
Scott Point Waterworks District is an Improvement District and is governed by the Local Government Act. The District was formed by Order in Council of the British Columbia legislature and received its Letters Patent in 1967.

The affairs of Scott Point Waterworks District are overseen by a Board of 3 Trustees, chosen by election from among eligible property owners on Scott Point. The Trustees are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the District and serve for a 3 year term.

Operation of the District’s water system, which includes routine maintenance, quality testing, leak surveillance, meter reading, and water usage billing, is currently contracted to North Salt Spring Waterworks.

There are 3 provincial regulators which provide oversight of the affairs of the District and actions of the Trustees.

The Local Government Department of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs provides oversight over the passing of by-laws, filing of financial information and other legislative requirements under the Local Government Act.

The Vancouver Island Health Authority provides oversight of water quality and changes to treatment works under the Drinking Water Protection Act and its Regulations.

The Ministry of Lands, Water, and Resource Stewardship provides oversight for the protection of groundwater sources under the Water Sustainability Act.

The Trustees meet 8-12 times per year to review the operating and financial affairs of the District; approve policies, budgets, and financial documents; and to contemplate and authorize bylaws. Bylaws, budgets, annual reports, and financial statements are all posted to this website. Minutes of regular trustee meetings are available upon request to the trustees.