
Scott Point Waterworks District provides potable water services to 61 properties located on Scott Point on Salt Spring Island, B.C.

Headline News

Jul 1/24 – Watering Restrictions at Stage 2

Effective July 1, Watering Restrictions have been raised to Stage 2. 



Stage 2

No Power Washing


Not permitted

Drip irrigation and Hand watering

7pm to 8am permitted dates for 2 hr

Washing of vehicles, boats


Washing of decks, buildings, driveways

Not Permitted

Filling of hot tubs &features

Not Permitted

Jun 11/24 – Watering Restrictions at Stage 1

May 25/24 – Results of Homeowner Poll on Joining NSSWD

The concept of SPWD joining NSSWD to provide a sustainable operating platform was discussed at the Annual General Meeting held on April 24, 2024 and at a second meeting of residents held on May 22, 2024. The trustees outlined possible pros and cons of joining NSSWD and several suggestions were made by residents which will be helpful in further discussions. Residents were requested to consider the implications of joining NSSWD, and if appropriate, agree that the trustees should continue with discussions about joining together.

A signature sheet was endorsed by attendees representing 18 properties. Subsequent to that meeting, emails were received from non-attending residents representing 28 properties. There are 61 properties in the Scott Point Waterworks District, with 2 properties owned commercially and 7 properties owned by non-Canadian citizens, all ineligible to vote. Of the 52 remaining properties, responses were received from 46 households, representing 88.5% of the total. We are pleased to report that 100% of responses received agreed that the trustees should continue with discussions with NSSWD.

A letter outlining this strong support was sent to NSSWD and the trustees hope to engage in discussions on arrangements shortly.

May 21/24 – 2024 Parcel Tax

The annual parcel tax billing will be sent out to all properties in the District before the end of May. The annual amount is $550.00, unchanged from 2023. Payments are due on July 1, 2024, after which date late payment charges will accrue.

May 12/24 – Possibility of Scott Point Waterworks District becoming part of North Salt Spring Waterworks

There will be an important information meeting for Scott Point Waterworks District (SPWD) ratepayers on May 22 at 7PM at 377 Scott Point Drive (by our big water tank). Those unable to attend in person are encouraged to join remotely at this Zoom link. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss whether SPWD should enter into formal discussions with North Salt Spring Waterworks (NSSWD) about the two improvement districts joining together, i.e. SPWD becoming part of NSSWD.


After 20 years of continuous service, on May 12, 2023 NSSWD gave notice to SPWD that the contract for operating services and maintenance would not be renewed after Dec 31, 2023. Immediately after receipt of notice from NSSWD, the trustees began to search for alternative arrangements for operatorship with numerous parties both on Salt Spring and Vancouver Island. As these initiatives did not bear fruit in a timely fashion, the trustees engaged in further discussion with NSSWD and on November 30, 2023 were able to extend the contract for operating services and maintenance through June 30, 2024. On January 19, 2024 NSSWD suggested that one solution might be for the two improvement districts to join together, with SPWD becoming part of NSSWD.

The trustees have spent considerable time and energy evaluating the merits of such an arrangement. While we do not have answers to many relevant issues, it is our opinion that it is worth entering into formal negotiations with NSSWD. In order to do so, NSSWD has requested that we obtain endorsement from 80% of SPWD ratepayers. The purpose of the meeting is to share what information we have with the ratepayers and to listen to their thoughts on the wisdom of pursuing this opportunity. It is worth noting that NSSWD have just completed their trustee elections, and we do not yet have a sense of how receptive the new Board will be, irrespective of whether SPWD ratepayers endorse the plan.

We want to be clear – at this stage in the process there are no proposals to approve, nor do we have details regarding any potential arrangement. Given the lack of details, SPWD trustees are NOT recommending that we join with NSSWD at this time. But we do believe that entering into formal discussions with NSSWD to see what such an arrangement would entail is a good idea and recommend that the ratepayers endorse such a move. A final agreement with NSSWD will only be undertaken following further discussions with the residents of Scott Point AND will require formal approval by SPWD ratepayers.

Trustees will be collecting signatures indicating endorsement or opposition of moving forward with discussions with NSSWD immediately after the meeting on Wednesday May 22nd and will continue collecting signatures until end of day on May 24th. Ratepayers are also able to indicate their preference by sending an email before end of day on May 24th: trustee@scottpointwaterworks.com saying simply “I endorse/oppose moving forward with discussions with NSSWD”.

April 15/24 – Notice to Residents on Prop0sed Toll Structure and NSSWD Contract

Revisions to Toll Structure

Some residents have expressed concerns about proposed revisions to the water toll structure which are designed to reduce consumption during the lean summer months. After review by the trustees, it was decided that more discussion with residents is required before implementing any changes to the 5,000 imperial gallons maximum volume of water included in the bi-monthly minimum bill during the lean summer months, and so no changes will be made in 2024.

The trustees did approve a routine inflationary increase to the minimum monthly bill which will be $170.00 and increasing the volumetric rate for volumes of water consumed in the two-month period in excess of 5,000 imperial gallons to $0.10 per gallon between 5,000 and 6,000 gallons, and $0.50 per gallons between 6,000 gallons and 10,000 gallons.

Contract Operator

In August 2023, residents were informed that North Salt Spring Waterworks (“NSSWD”) had given notice to the District that the contract for operating services and maintenance would not be renewed after Dec 31, 2023.

Fruitful discussions continue with NSSWD, and we currently have a contract with NSSWD to provide operating services through June 2024. In the meantime, the trustees and a small group of former trustees have been examining our options. 

One option under consideration is that the two improvement districts join, and Scott Point Waterworks District become part of NSSWD. There is much to explore with respect to the advantages and disadvantages of such an arrangement, and the trustees are still at an early stage in their deliberations. In order to prevent overwhelming the business of the AGM with this matter, we plan on holding a special meeting in May to discuss this matter – which all residents will be encouraged to attend. However, the trustees do feel an obligation to share this information with the residents at this time, and look forward to everyone’s help in navigating this undertaking.

Rest assured that we will give everyone ample opportunity to consider the issues, to voice their opinion, and to vote on the path forward should joining together become a recommended option.

Annual General Meeting

The 2024 AGM is scheduled for Wednesday April 24th at 7:00 pm in the RVYC pavilion at 241 Scott Point Drive. 

March 28/24 – Trustees Respond to Comments on Proposed New Toll Structure

The trustees want to thank those residents who read the last newsletter and took time to make comments, particularly on the draft proposal to alter the water toll structure.

PLEASE CLICK HERE  for all of the questions and responses 

March 22/24 – Digging a Hole?

Did you know that Scott Point Waterworks is part of the B.C. One Call network. Locating the water main should be a first step before digging a hole or installing a fence. Before you did, a call or email to B.C. One Call will enable a homeowner or contractor to contact ALL underground utilities for location services.

www.bc1c.ca or 1-800-474-6886

March 6 – February Newsletter to Residents

CLICK HERE for the latest Newsletter

March 20/23 – Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Trustees hereby give notice that the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 19 at the RVYC Pavilion, 241 Scott Point Drive. 

There will be an election for 1 trustee position. Any property owner meeting the requirements to vote is invited to contact the trustees about standing for election. Nominations for trustee and any motions to be proposed by any ratepayer at the Annual General Meeting must be put in writing and received by the District at least five days in advance of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations, motions and requests for reports can be made by email to trusteeatscottpointwaterworks.com

The meeting agenda, trustee reports, and financial statements are posted HERE on the Annual General Meeting page Paper copies will be available upon request.

February 23/23 – Annual Water Main Flushing

As part of the Multi Barrier Approach to Ensuring Safe Water, periodic flushing of the water main is undertaken to prevent the buildup of sediments and improve water quality. North Salt Spring Waterworks will be on site to flush the south-east end of the Main (from Reservoir to 466 Scott Point Drive and Marina Cr) on February 28. And the north-west end (from Reservoir to BC Ferries) on March 8.

This may result in the water showing sediment and discoloration. This sediment is not considered a health concern. If you experience dirty water, simply run your cold water taps and garden hoses until the water runs clear.

We thank you for your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience you may experience. Please contact us if you have questions.

Feb 16/24 – Revisions to Toll Structure Being Examined

The trustees have been concerned that some residents do not fully appreciate our delicate water supply situation and did not respond to last summer’s need for Watering Restrictions.

To drive home the message, the trustees are planning to put in place revisions to the toll structure which would place a premium on water used during the shortage months of summer, and increase the tolls for water consumed at levels above 3,500 gallons per month.

Specifially, the changes that the trustees are contemplating will change the volume of water included with the minimum bi-monthly bill in the months from May to October from 5,000 gallons to 3,500 gallons. Further, trustees are also planning to increase the toll for water consumed over 5,000 gallons/2 months from $0.07 per gallon to $0.20 per gallon, and to $0.50 per gallon for water over 7,000 gallons per 2 months.

These changes will have no impact on more than 2/3rds of residents, and are designed to encourage everyone to conserve the water in our collective aquifer so that there will be sufficient amounts available to service everybody’s home in the face of expected drought conditions this summer. If you have any particular concerns, please email the trustees at trusteeatscottpointwaterworks.com .

Feb 7/24 – Date Set for Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Meeting for the Scott Point Waterworks District is set for Wednesday, April 24 at 7:00 pm at the RVYC Pavilion at 241 Scott Point Drive. Details to follow.

Feb 2/24 – Brown Water at Tap

A couple of residents have called trustees reporting brown water in their tap. This has been written about before and is included in the Permanent Advisory. What is being reported is a manganese deposit from naturally occurring ions in groundwater. It deposits in the system as a film and can be released after sudden changes in temperature.

We trap a lot of manganese with the RO. But RO has been offline due to other problems. Once in the pipes, we rely on the annual flushing program to remove it, but this is not scheduled until later in Feb. And we have engaged an engineer to give advice on treatment improvements to deal with it.

It is harmless, but very troubling to look at. It usually clears up quite quickly by flushing hoses or cold water taps. A 5 micron carbon block filter is very effective at removing it before the tap.

Nov 22/23 – Watering Restrictions Removed, RO Treatment Offline

Groundwater levels have been rising with recent precipitation. Therefore Watering Restrictions are now at Stage 1 – No Restrictions.

The District’s Reverse Osmosis treatment at Well 1 is offline after an equipment failure. All water in the system is currently coming directly from Well 4 (RVYC) which has high hardness and high manganese with no post-treatment through the Reverse Osmosis. Residents may experience limescale deposits and more frequent manganese releases from the water main. The RO should be repaired by Nov 28, but water quality improvements will need time to work through the storage Reservoir

Oct 10/23 – Watering Restrictions Move to STAGE 2

Some of the Watering Restrictions have been eased. Residents now are allowed to: water by hand or drip irrigation anytime; wash cars and boats; and fill water features and hot tubs. The use of a sprinkler is restricted to 2 hours on permitted days only, and the use of a pressure washer for structures is restricted to Permitted days only.

Residents are reminded that filling of water storage tanks from District water supply is not permitted at any time.

Sep 22/23 – Watering Restrictions Remain in Place

A little rain does not end a drought. Following restrictions in July, in early August all residents were notified that Scott Point is at STAGE 3 Watering Restrictions. Those restrictions remain in place until specifically lifted by way of notice, and are listed below on Aug 11 Entry.

Most residents adhered to the restrictions and it is noted that August 2023 water consumption was 30,000 gallons less than August 2022. Thank you. But it appears that 6 properties did not understand the notice and continued to use water at, or above their usual amounts – this is essentially all residents that used more than 3,000 gallons for in August. If that is you, you need to do better.

Aug 25/23 – NSSWD Serves Notice that Operating Contract will not be Renewed

North Salt Spring Waterworks has provided operation and repair services on Scott Point for over 20 years. But they have served notice that they will no longer continue after December 31, 2023. The trustees and a few residents with good contacts on Salt Spring have been busy examing alternatives for the provision of the weekly, routing checks done by NSSWD, and for the other services like emergency response and line repairs.

If you think you know a contractor that may be interested, and is (or could become) qualified to provide water operation services, please contact us at trustee@scottpointwaterworks.com

Aug 11/23 – Watering Restrictions Now at Stage 4Make Every Drop Count

The Province has declared that our region is in Drought Level 5, the most severe. And the hot dry weather is expected to continue.

Accordingly the Water District trustees have approved the implementation of Watering Restrictions at the STAGE 4 level, effective immediately.

Use of sprinklers, filling of water features & hot tubs, washing of boats, cars, houses, and driveways is NOT PERMITTED.

Outside use is limited to one hour of hand watering or drip irrigation every second day. NOTE: “hand watering” and “drip irrigation” is exactly what it says – this does NOT include sprayers or misters, or leaving a hose unattended.

We are asking that all residents use water with extreme care so that major restrictions in the Drought Plan do not become necessary.

Aug 11/23 – Fire Smart

The devastating fires that destroyed Lahaina, Maui this week and Lytton in 2021 are stark reminders of the increasing danger faced by people living in rural areas.

Salt Spring Fire/Rescue has excellent resources to help you make decisions to make your residence more fire resistant to protect your home and your neighbours.


Aug 4/23 – Water is Getting Scarce – Make Every Drop Count

The Province has declared that our region is in Drought Level 5, the most severe. And the District has put in place Stage 3 Watering Restrictions. And yet, some residents continue to use water at unsustainable rates.

The wells that feed Scott Point are a below 10-year averages, but hanging in there – JUST.

We are asking that all residents use water with care so that major restrictions are not necessary. Watering Restrictions limit outside use to hand watering to 2 hours every second day and no filling of water features, hot tubs or use for washing of driveways or houses. We further discourage the use for washing cars and boats.

If you want to garden, the District strongly recommends the installation of a rainwater capture system. For further tips on conserving water, please check out Conservation Tips

June 15/23 – Watering Restrictions Now In Place

We have seen an early start to summer with higher than normal temperatures and little precipitation since early May. In accordance with Bylaw and Policy No. 14, the trustees approved the implementation of Water Restrictions at the STAGE 3 level, effective June 17, 2023.

STAGE 3 Restrictions require residents to reduce their water consumption

Use of water sprinklers and filling of tubs or water features is NOT permitted

Residents can hand water or use drip irrigation for 2 hrs MAX – between 7pm and 8am. Even numbered houses on even numbered days and Odd numbered houses on odd numbered days.

Washing of cars and boats is discouraged. Pressure washing of driveways and buildings is NOT permitted.

Apr 20/23 – Annual General Meeting

The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 19 at the RVYC Pavilion, 241 Scott Point Drive. 

The trustees reviewed the annual Water Quality Report and reports from the Chair and the Financial Officer. As well the financial statements for the year ended Dec 31, 2022 were reviewed along with the 2023 budget.

The accounting firm of McLean Lizotte Wheadon was approved as the auditor for calendar year 2023, and Tim Slaney was re-elected as trustee for a 3 year period ending in 2026.

The meeting agenda, trustee reports, and financial statements are posted under the Governance Tab .

Jan 31/23 – Annual Water Main Flushing February 6 and 10

As part of the Multi Barrier Approach to Ensuring Safe Water, periodic flushing of the water main is undertaken to prevent the buildup of sediments and improve water quality. North Salt Spring Waterworks will be on site to flush the south-east end of the Main (from Reservoir to 466 Scott Point Drive and Marina Cr) on February 6. And the north-west end (from Reservoir to BC Ferries) on February 10.

This may result in the water showing sediment and discoloration. This sediment is not considered a health concern. If you experience dirty water, simply run your cold water taps and garden hoses until the water runs clear.

We thank you for your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience you may experience. Please contact us if you have questions.


Jan 24/23 – Trustees Approve 2023 Water Tolls and Parcel Tax. Set AGM Date

At the Jan 20, 2023 Trustees meeting, second reading and final approval were given to Bylaw 122 setting the 2023 Parcel Tax amount at $550, the same as 2022. Second reading and final approval were also given to Bylaw 123 setting new water tolls effective March 1, 2023 (and seen on end of April billing) at $160 minimum charge per 2 month period and the Excess 1 toll (from 5001 to 10000 gallons) at $70.00 per 1000 Imperial Gallons.

The 2023 Annual General Meeting date was set as Wednesday, April 19. The meeting will be held at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club pavilion at 241 Scott Point Drive, commencing at 7:00pm

Jan 12/23 – Happy New Year

Christmas holidays have come and gone and dark nights are finally getting shorter, and so does the time between now and spring.

With rainfall well below normal in October and November, there were concerns about groundwater availability come next summer. But the rain and snow in December finally brought the water level at the 3 wells to something approaching the 10-year average for this time of year.

A couple of residents have expressed concerns about increasing amounts of limescale on their glass and chrome surfaces. This limescale is a result of increasing hardness (calcium and magnesium) in the water. We endeavour to treat 50% of Well 4 water (which is very hard) through the Reverse Osmosis (RO) treatment at Well 1 to reduce not only disinfectant by-products, but also hardness. This strategy worked well through the summer; but we have been fighting manganese issues which clogged the RO membranes in October. While we waited for parts and permission from Island Health to change the manganese pre-treatment media, the RO was offline and water hardness noticeably increased as the volume in the Reservoir tank was turned over. The RO went back online in early December and we are expecting water hardness to reduce as the volume in Reservoir again turns over.

With the promise of spring, so comes the annual water main flushing to maintain water quality by removing debris and slime. We have asked North Salt Spring Waterworks to complete this work prior to the end of February.

And spring usually brings a flurry of power-washing away the winter grime. It is possible that Watering Restrictions may come into force before summer starts. And so trustees are recommending that you get to your power washing before groundwater supplies start to diminish as winter rains cease.

A number of residents have noticed that their premises shut-off valves are inoperable. With a lot of valves installed over 30 years ago, and many not really designed for in ground service, all property owners should check their valves (on the property side of the water meter) and ensure it is operable and free of corrosion – if not owners need to excavate and replace their valve. It is difficult to get one of the established island plumbers to schedule this work and so the earlier they are contacted, the better for the owner. Please email trustees if you have any questions about your valve.

Sep 23/22 – Summer Comes to an End

As the season turns and the first hints of fall are felt, residents have asked about the state of Scott Point’s water supply. The District can confirm that well levels are good for this time of year and that summer demands were met without having to impose Watering Restrictions. This is largely due to the spring rain that continued into June and lower amounts of water used during processing. One thing of note is that the Reverse Osmosis treatment at Well 1 was offline for a couple of weeks in August to replace the membranes which had become fouled with naturally occurring manganese. The District continues to investigate inefficiencies in pre-treatment. Otherwise, several residents have commented on lesser amounts of limescale on glass surfaces and overall better water (however that is determined) which confirms that having some of the very hard water from Well 4 reprocessed in the RO is working.

Apr 29/22 – Peter Reiner elected as Trustee at 2022 Annual General Meeting

The 2022 AGM was held on April 27. Trustees discussed the state of the water system, presented the Financial Statements for 2021 and Budget for 2022, and emphasized the importance of rainwater capture for residents who want to garden. Peter Reiner was elected by acclamation for a 3 year term. Documents for the meeting are HERE

Mar 14/22 – Trustees Approve 2022 Parcel Tax and Water Toll Increase

Subject to approval by the Province, Trustees have set the 2022 parcel tax of $550 per parcel. Bills will be sent to residents and owners in May.

Water tolls will rise 4.8% effective 1 May, 2022. The minimum bi-monthly bill will rise from $146.00 to $153.00.

Mar 4/22 – 2022 Annual General Meeting set for April 27, 2022

Notice has been given that the Annual General Meeting of the Scott Point Waterworks District will be held at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. There will be an election for 1 trustee position. Any residents meeting the requirements are invited to contact the trustees about standing for election.

CLICK HERE for more details.

Mar 2/22 – NOTICE TO RESIDENTS – Annual Water Main Flushing

As part of our water quality framework, the Water Main is flushed every spring to remove deposits.

Flushing of the Water Main will commence on Friday, March 4, 2022 on the south section, and resume the following week on the north section.

North Salt Spring Waterworks will be on site and using the fire hydrants to conduct flushing. Residents might experience short periods of low pressure and minor discolouration of the water.

If discolouration is noticed, please run your cold-water tap until the water runs clear.

Sep 17/21 – Watering Restrictions Lifted

Recent rainfall, decreasing daily consumption, and improvements in well water treatment have allowed some recovery of well levels. The watering restrictions which were put in place on July 11, 2021 are lifted as of today.

The trustees are pleased to note that the watering restrictions had an immediate impact on consumption and residents reduced their water usage by an average of 20%, and allowed the District’s scarce water resources to survive the extended 2021 drought.

Residents are reminded that water remains a scarce quantity on Scott Point and residents should make every drop count. And the rainfall is a good reminder that now is a very good time to install rainwater capture tanks to be ready for gardening in 2022.

Aug 10/21 – AGM Report

The 2021 Annual General Meeting was held on August 3, 2021 with 3 trustees and 4 residents attending. The Chair presented the 2020 Water Quality Report along with a 6 month of 2021 report on water quality and other matters, including the need for ongoing watering restrictions now and possibly during summers to come, the replacement the RO membranes to improve well treatment performance, concern on a trend toward increases in water consumption, and a discussion on fire risk mitigation.

The Financial Officer presented the 2020 Financial Statements and provided an update on 2021 budget performance. McLean, Lizotte, Wheadon were approved as the auditors for 2021, and it was confirmed that Richard Ballantyne was elected by acclamation as trustee for 3 year term ending in 2024.

Documents are Available Here

July 11/21 – Watering Restrictions Put In Place

Scott Point has had a fraction of the usual rainfall so far in 2021 and well are at very low levels. The Trustees request that residents take steps to further reduce their water consumption.

It is also necessary to put in place the following water use restrictions until further notice:

  1. No washing of driveways, patios, structures or boats from hose or pressure washer.
  2. No filling of pools, hot tubs, fountains.
  3. No use of lawn or garden sprinklers
  4. Please restrict garden watering to hand watering or drip irrigation for a maximum of 1 hour between the hours of 7:00 pm and 08:00 am. Watering should be limited to 3 days per week.

These restrictions do not apply to use of captured rainwater, or supply from individual wells. There shall be no filling of storage tanks from the District supply.

More restrictions on the use of District water for gardening may required if summer rainfall remains low and consumption does not reduce adequately to protect the aquifers.

CLICK HERE for tips on water conservation


The CRD, Ministry of Municipal Affair and North Salt Spring Waterworks District commissioned a study to look at how improvement districts on Salt Spring were governed and investigate alternative arrangements that might allow access to federal and provincial infrastructure grants. The study’s report has now been made public and is available at https://www.crd.bc.ca/project/salt-spring-island-water-optimization.  The trustees are currently evaluating the report’s conclusions and will update ratepayers on possible implications for the District after the next trustee meeting.

Please note that the Annual General Meeting has been postponed until Provincial Health Orders allow such gatherings. In the interim, the trustees welcome any questions or comments by email to trustee@scottpointwaterworks.com.


CLICK HERE for the latest Newsletter for residents and owners.


The trustees have approved first reading of revisions to Bylaw 88, Water Distribution Regulations. The proposed changes add protections for the District from landowner works on the water main right-of-way and make other changes to improve consistency in terms and make it gender neutral. The proposed revisions are included as Draft ByLaw 117 . Trustees are happy to receive comments at trusteeatscottpointwaterworks.com


The District flagged a number of trees between 32o and 440 Scott Point Drive. After a couple of water main leaks caused by tree roots, the trustees are in the process of counting trees growing above the water main and identifying the extent of any problems. No work is planned at this time.